Finally, he sets a date and time and doesn't show. Would you believe I was surprised? He resets the date and time and manages to show up on the set day but not at the correct time; he comes in the afternoon instead of in the morning. Needless to say, it's a Friday and he can't finish the job. Can he come back on Superbowl Sunday and finish the job? I say, of course, since he'll be here at noon and it should only take about three hours. Guess what?! He didn't show, and he didn't show, and he didn't show. For two weeks I call his phone almost daily and I send him texts and he doesn't return any of my calls. My phone messages get nastier and nastier until, finally, he calls me back! I answer his call, I say his name, and to my surprise there's a woman's voice on the other end of the line! I had been leaving hate messages at the wrong number but the woman felt sorry for me since she could tell I was getting upset and she finally called me back to let me know I'd been calling the wrong number! Bless her heart -- I wish I had her address so I could send her flowers! I'd charge that cost to the termite guy (even though it was my mistake)!
Flash forward, I finally have the right number and begin my stalking, hateful messages again. He finally calls me back this past week and schedules for Friday afternoon at two. Guess what?! He cancels, but at least this time he called me before the appointment time. Can he come Saturday between 11 and 12? I say yes, because my family and I don't have plans to leave the house until maybe 3pm on Saturday. I called him at 11:30 to see where he was and he was only twenty minutes away and was on his way. Two hours later he rolls into my driveway with his wife and two babies! He wanted me to meet his family . . . . . . .I could have screamed! I'm still just absolutely shocked. So, I invite his wife and her two year old into my house (the three month old is asleep in the truck.) His wife, who is in a wheelchair, was just "hanging around" in my driveway so I couldn't leave her out there. . . . . . . (Oh, and I learned from his wife that they'd been running errands all morning and that they had more to run! I don't think he had any intention of showing up at my house today.)
I spent the next three hours entertaining his wife and watching the two year old; my youngest is ten so my home is definitely not childproof any more. I just drank a lot of coffee and poured a bunch of Baileys Irish Creme into my coffee cup!
Oh, the best part was, when he left, he told my husband and me that if we have a barbecue this summer, we should call them and invite them over to eat with us. Yes, you read this sentence correctly! We were to call him and his family over so that we could feed them at our home. I'm stupid -- I didn't know that's how it worked. Okay -- it's over. I went to dinner with my husband, finally, and I drank heavily! Our plans for the day were ruined but we still had our dinner.