I don't think I've ever told her how amazing she is. I try in little ways, but she's so busy listening to the voices in her head, or hearing only her own voice most of the time, that she can't hear how much I love her. I've never told her that she's actually living the life I've always wanted to live. I wonder how she'll feel about hearing that. My life didn't turn out that way -- I moved away from my home town and no circumstances have ever taken me back. (I have a good life, too; I just miss my family.) I love my family and I crave them, but here I sit, in another country. Julia lives in Germany, her children go to German schools, she lives right down the road from our mom, she married a good man and has a good life, she goes for walks in the woods, she goes to the Luisenpark where our Oma used to go, she can ride the streetcar or the bus to go shopping (I love that!), she is simply connected to the history I miss dearly.
She is everything I am not. She will do anything for you, give you the shirt off her back -- she's very generous that way . . . . at least to the people she really cares about. She's creative! Oh my goodness: the things she makes and cooks, and bakes -- because of all her effort last Christmas, it was one of the best Christmases I remember having. She went all out for my family and me when we were visiting and she was 8 1/2 months pregnant! My birthday came right after Christmas and it will go down in history as my best birthday E-V-E-R without a doubt because of Julia (and Mom).
Julia's Awesome Blog
And, boy does she have a funny sense of humor! We laugh at the dumbest damn things you can imagine, and we laugh for a long time about them! I think that's my favorite quality of hers. . . . . She's bold, too! Julia does not hesitate to say what's on her mind -- she just spits it out. . . . . Also, she doesn't think she's dramatic, but I have to say, she is. (You just are, I'm sorry, but that's not a bad thing.) That just adds to the high, upbeat energy she brings into a room.
When she was 9, her favorite movie was . . . . . .okay, let's see if you can guess from the song (make sure there are no kids in the room listening!):
Julia's favorite song when she was 9.
I warned you .........How can you not have fun with a kid who has that kind of taste?! I'm just so proud; it brings tears to my eyes.
She graduated from fashion design school. I wish she could be my personal shopper because I can't buy anything that even remotely looks stylish. I should give her my bank information and just have her send me stuff. I remember how horrified she used to be with my eye brows! I never plucked them and I sure as hell never had them waxed! Have you? It's torture. . . . . .any ways, I have since taken notice of them because of her. I am sure she's totally frustrated with me when she sees me and wants to give me a makeover. I would trust her to do that!
She was blonde for as long as I can remember and recently her hair wouldn't take the color any more. She had to go back to her natural brunette and she complained, and bitched about it -- still does; she doesn't realize how pretty she is with her natural color. Maybe she's afraid she looks too much like me.
She's so much more into technology than I am, too! She forces me to catch up -- kind of like the eyebrow thing. All in all, I think she's secretly Wonder Woman . . . . . . especially with the boobs.
When she was growing up, I always told her she was my favorite person, and she still is. I may not tell her or show her enough -- but if I could choose any one to be my sister, I'd always only choose her. I love you, Juli-la.